My favorite part of summer is when Big Brother returns to CBS. For those of you that do not know, Big Brother is reality competition show where a group of houseguests are isolated from the world and are under surveillance 24/7 in the "Big Brother" house for three months. Each week there is a Head of Household (HOH) who nominates two people to be evicted but they have the chance to be taken off the block. Several houseguests (the two nominees, the HOH, and three randomly chosen houseguests) are chosen to play in a Power of Veto (PoV) competition, whoever wins the Veto can take someone off the block and make the HOH choose a replacement nominee. Or it could not be used at all. It goes until there are three houseguests left and evicted houseguests make up the jury. The jury votes for a winner and the one who has the most votes wins half a million dollars.
Anyways, last season was terrible. The people in the house were despicable racists and bullies, except for two or three people. This season, was slightly better, but not by much. Last Thursday was the finale, at least it was for me. This season was terrible and I'm protesting the rest of the season. So here I am to complain now. Where shall I begin? Let's start with the all the things that bother me this season. First thing that bothers me is the opening credits.
Next on my list of complaints, Team America. Three houseguests were elected by America to join our alliance. This twist was a bust. The first nominee for Team America was Joey, who was also the first evicted houseguest. Then we learn Donny, the lovable groundskeeper, was the next one voted to be part of Team America. The other two members? Frankie and Derrick. Now I understand how Frankie got voted on Team America, he was likable in the beginning, now not so much. I still to this day do not understand how America voted for the undercover cop, Derrick. That baffles me everyday. Team America has only completed three out of seven tasks because honestly they don't work well together and they only care about their personal game. Hence why Derrick and Frankie voted out Donny. Rude.
Now this last twist I hate is the BB Rewind. This was the straw that broke the camel's back. BB Rewind is a magical gold button and when pushed it will reset that week of the game. Really Big Brother? Really? Where was this magical button when Donny, Nicole or Zach were on the block?! Sorry CBS, this attempt to fix your already broken show is a little too late.
Oh what to complain about next? Hmmm, how about Derrick? Derrick has been controlling this house since day one. I'd like to call him a puppet master but you can't be a puppet master if everyone just willingly does whatever you want them to. What's sad is that no one has realized he's calling the shots except for Nicole and Donny, which is why they're in the jury house. Nicole please never compare Derrick to Dan Gheesling, that's an insult to Dan. His ego is getting too big and it is hard to watch. However, I'll admit he's playing the best game out of everyone else left in the house. It'a amazing he hasn't been put on the block yet. If he doesn't win the game I'll be flabbergasted.
You know who else I can't stand? Ariana Grande's brother. Frankie is the most annoying person in the house and is a total fame whore and despicable human being. All the rude things he's said this season, god, I regret liking him and rooting for him in the beginning. I thought he was going to be a fun and sassy guy not a self obsessed monster. It's annoying how he sucks up to ever beautiful Julie Chen in every live episode. We all know he doesn't care about America or the rest of the house. All he cares about is how many followers he has on his social media.
But the thing that upsets me the most about this season is the rest of the house. They are not playing the game, they are all peasants in the Big Brother community. They're not making any big moves, to quote Nicole "stop playing Big Baby, let's play Big Brother." Preach it girl, Nicole you're the real MVP. One alliance has been in control the entire game and honestly it's boring. Every vote seems to be unanimous and no one has the brains or guts to stand up to anyone.
Let's take a minute and reflect on who is left in the house. We've already talked about King Derrick and Ariana Grande's brother. Then we have Beast Mode Cowboy, Caleb, who's dumber than a stick. He thinks he's running the show but he's really just doing Derrick's dirty work, like when he got rid of Nicole instead of making a big move and helping his own game. Then there's Cody, a pretty face that flirts with anything with a pulse who also does Derrick's dirty work. Last but not least, there's Victoria who hasn't done much which is why she's the most likable person in the house at the moment.
Don't get me wrong, there have been some good things that have happened this season. There are very few but let's take a look down memory lane and remember the good times we once had.
The idea of two HOHs and four nominees was very interesting, I enjoyed that twist this season. The only downfall was that people would put up weak players to guarantee that they would remain HOH this season. And with there being four nominees the traditional key pulling ceremony was not around this season, which I missed.
Now the most epic moment this season was when Christine got booed as she exited the Big Brother house. Christine is a married woman and had a strange relationship with Cody, they were always so flirty and touchy towards together and it was uncomfortable to watch. The most priceless moment though was when the remaining houseguests heard the boos and they were shocked. Yeah houseguests America is not impressed.
Big Brother 16 was a predictable season and there's no need to watch the rest of it. If Derrick does not win, that will be biggest shock all season. To those of you still watching I applaud you, I don't know how you're doing it.