Today Taylor Swift's album, "1989" was released and she has been all over the news and every social media platform. I am a huge Taylor Swift fan, I think she's very talented, and her lyrics speak to me and almost every other girl in the universe. Now you're probably wondering what does Taylor Swift...
My dad loves to listen to sports broadcasts on the radio, I however am not that big of a fan. I can't listen to a game on the radio. I'm a visual person, I need to be able to see what's going on in order to focus. However there is one sports station I enjoy listening to, especially during baseball season....
It's September 2nd, and I'm browsing through my email. One certain email catches my eye. It's the one I have been waiting for. I finally had been taken off the wait list for an ipsy Glam Bag! Now what is ipsy and what is a Glam Bag? Well ipsy is a website founded by beauty vlogger Michelle Phan. Michelle...