Kaitlin's Rant, Today's Topic: Daycares

Have you ever wondered what the face of madness looks like? Well look here.

That is me, and yes I have gone mad. Now why on Earth have I gone possibly crazy? Well if you lived next door to a daycare, I guarantee you'd go mad too. Now I'm not saying all daycares are bad, I'm just saying the one I live next to is about the equivalent of sitting next to 12 crying babies on an airplane for 10 hours straight for about five days a week.

Now there's one thing you need to know about me. I'm extremely sensitive when it comes to children. I went through a phase where I strongly disliked children and I was actually terrified of them. When my niece, Emily was born, I was scared to hold her as a baby. But once I got to know her and got used to her tiny self, I fell in love with her. Now I am her Aunt Kay Kay, (cute right?) and she's my precious little ballerina with too much energy. But I'm not going to lie, some children still do terrify me, only the children who I believe have potential to be the spawn of satan and are extremely evil.

But anyways, back to these annoying children. Let's go through a normal day in the life of Kaitlin. I wake up about 8:30 am because my dog Buddy wants to be let outside to go do his business. So I groan, get up and let him out because I'm a caring owner and then I go back to bed. Now, I Kaitlin Mary Simpson am not a morning person. My days don't start until after 11 am, unless I have a job or something important to do. Don't worry future employer, I'll be there to work bright and early! So I go back to bed and sleep, then about an hour later I am rudely awakened by the screams and cries of these pesky children. Oh and by the way, my bedroom is on the second floor of my house and it is literally right next to their back yard. My windows look into their yard, so I can see almost everything. When my windows are open it feels like I am actually at the daycare. I've actually learned some of the children's names because they get yelled at constantly.

Now it's not just the children's cries and screams. I hear them being yelled at by their caretaker and owner of the daycare. So it's not just the yelling and crying of a bunch of children driving me to insanity, it's also the yelling the 55-year-old woman who is being paid to take care of these children.

Once I am rudely awakened, I am grumpy and irritable throughout the day. I can't focus, I can't think. The yelling overwhelms me to the point where I can't hear the thoughts inside my head. I haven't been able to focus on my writing (which is part of the reason why I did not write anything for August, the other reason being traveling) or even watch some of my favorite tv shows!

Now anyways, this daycare business has been going on for over year. Props to my Mom for putting up with it for this long, I've only been dealing with it for the past four months. Listening to those children and their caretaker yell and scream all day, everyday, really takes a toll on you. I wake up with headaches and have them all throughout the day. I'm always angry and moody, unless I'm out of the house. The noise can get so loud sometimes that I can hear it all the way in the kitchen, which is on the other side of the house.

Now I've been dealing with this for four months, why am I complaining and writing about it now? Well I've gone mad, and I've reached the point where I can't take it anymore. Just recently I had a dream where I could hear the screams of the children. When I woke up, the screaming didn't stop. The screaming made it's way to disturb my subconscious. Does that sound normal? No it does not.

Look, I'm not anti-daycare. I believe daycares are essential especially for parents who work and not able to take care of their children during the day. I am however against daycares in homes. I don't think people should be allowed to run a daycare from their home. That's just my personal feelings towards it based on the one I live next to. If you want to run a daycare, cool good luck with that. I hope you do a better job than my neighbor.

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