Free Samples?! PINCHme, I Must Be Dreaming!

Free samples, it's something everyone loves, and if you're one of those rare human beings that doesn't enjoy free samples then you must be one of those kinds of people that hates puppies and Disneyland. So if you are one of those people, maybe this post isn't for you. But if you are one of those cool people that do enjoy trying out new products for free well you've come to the right place. Let me introduce you to PINCHme.
PINCHme is a website that offers the opportunity to try new products before you buy them. Every two weeks or so there are a variety of samples available for your choosing. All you have to do is answer a series of questions about your household and shopping habits and PINCHme will offer samples based on these questions. You then select the samples you want to try and PINCHme sends your box of samples directly to you for free. Then once you have tried your samples, you will be asked to complete a short feedback survey to tell PINCHme what you think of the samples and they let the brands know your thoughts.

I bet your wondering what's the catch here? This sounds too good to be true. Well you're half right, the system is not perfect. It is very common on PINCHme to not receive any samples, and this could be because you missed out and they were already all claimed, or you simply do not qualify for any samples. It is very common to receive repeat samples too. Also boxes come about five weeks (sometimes longer) after you order them.

Now here is my personal experience with PINCHme. I joined back in May and I've ordered three boxes with a total of thirteen samples. However, within the past three months I've only received two boxes with a total of ten samples. Since samples are available every couple weeks, there were plenty of times when I was not offered any.

This is the first box I ever received from PINCHme and it included the Playtex Sport Combo and Gold Bond Ultimate Healing Lotion. Every PINCHme box includes a $100 wine voucher from but this is not counted as a sample. Plus you have to spend $160 in order to use the $100 voucher. The pads and tampons from Playtex were definitely useful because I am a woman and I will need those products until I'm 50 years old. The lotion from Gold Bond was alright, it's not something I'd use normally, I'm more of a Bath & Body Works girl, but this lotion will be nice for travel because of the size. So here in my first box I received two samples! Also some samples also contain coupons in case you want to purchase the full size product.

Now here was my second and latest box I've received. This time I received more products because I received a free trial to PINCHme Plus. PINCHme Plus is their program where you can gain access to the samples 24 hours in advance for a simple price of $3.99 and you also have access to exclusive samples. Being part of PINCHme Plus is definitely a perk, but I wouldn't pay $3.99 each time just to get some extra samples, especially if it isn't something I truly I want.

In this box I received: N°7 Protect & Perfect Advanced Serum, Summer's Eve Lavender Night-Time Cleansing Cloths and Cleansing Wash, Gevalia Iced Coffee with Almond Milk, Act Advanced Care Plaque Guard Mouthwash, Gold Bond Ultimate Healing Lotion, Dentek Comfort Clean Floss Picks, Water Block Band Aids, and Scotch-Brite Extreme Scrub Sponge. I loved the variety of products I received. I was most happy with the mouthwash, the iced coffee (which is a voucher to receive one in store), floss sticks and band aids. These are products I will use and was extremely excited to try. And as you can see I did receive a repeat, the Gold Bond lotion.

In the box I recently ordered, but have not received yet, contains three products: Playtex Sport Combo, Dentek Comfort Clean Floss Picks, and surprise surprise the Gold Bond Ultimate Healing Lotion. All three are repeats which is okay, cause I'll definitely use two of those products. But I have a feeling I'm going to get the Gold Bond lotion each time. Well I guess you get what you pay for. Am I right?

Tell me, what do you think about PINCHme? Receive any good samples? Know any other websites that gives out free samples? Comment below! Until next time.

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