Tips For Packing For Colder Weather

Living in a place where winter means 60 degrees is cold, it's safe to say that cold weather is not my speciality.

So having to travel to a place where winter actually exists can be a little challenging. Especially when there are so many restrictions when it comes to traveling nowadays. The best thing to do when you travel is to pack as light as you can. The less stuff you have to drag around, the better!

Here are some of the tips and tricks I've learned when it comes to packing light, especially for colder weather:

Bulky sweaters are always a great go to when it comes to cold weather. However, when you're trying to pack they're not so great. They may keep you warm but they take up so much room in your suitcase. If you have space for bulky sweaters, pack as many as you can! But, if your space is limited take less big sweaters and pack more tops that can be used as layers. With a variety of options you'll be able to mix and match to create a new look each day. Also don't forget your accessories! Hats, gloves, and scarves will freshen up your look. Plus it's easier to pack more smaller accessories rather than bringing extra tops and sweaters.

When it comes to pants, there's not much you can do to keep warm. Sure you can wear leggings or tights underneath but doubling up on pants is not comfortable. Jeans will always be your best bet! Also, the best thing to do is to pack socks that you know will keep your feet and legs warm. Pro tip: knee high socks will be a life saver and keep your legs super warm. And for shoes, your best bet will be boots. Whether it's combat boots or UGG boots, you want something that will keep your feet warm.

But the most important thing to remember when you're packing for colder weather is to not pack your heaviest and bulkiest items. Instead, you will want to wear them or carry them while you travel. This works best especially when it comes to bringing a coat. Plus you will only need one coat, so that will save a lot of room in your suitcase, especially if you wear or carry it.

The best thing to do when you're packing is to always be prepared. Make a list of everything you want to bring and especially what you will need to bring. If you're really concerned about space in your suitcase, invest in packing cubes! They'll help you organize your suitcase and all of your items.

So there you have it, that's my quick little guide and a couple of tips for packing for colder weather. What are some tricks you have up your sleeve when you pack for a trip?

Until tomorrow.

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