5:00 PM

Challenge Complete!

by , in
We've reached the end of the daily blog challenge from September. It only took me two months to do thirty blog posts. But this challenge did teach me something really important: Blogging is hard. I underestimated how much work running a blog is. To all my fellow bloggers or even youtubers out there,...
12:46 PM

CONFESSION: I'm Addicted To...

by , in
We've reached the point of the daily blog challenge, where I am supposed to confess something. Alright, here it goes. Deep breaths. I, Kaitlin Mary Simpson have an addiction. An addiction to television. Yes it's true, I watch TV whenever I can. I'm even watching TV as I type up this blog post. You...
5:30 PM

The Everyday Struggles Of A Clumsy Person

by , in
Growing up, my mom had tons of nicknames for me, the one I got called most often was Grace. Now my name is Kaitlin so where does Grace come from? Well Grace comes from the word, graceful. Graceful, which is something that I am not whatsoever. Even at a young age, my mom could tell that I am a super...
12:17 PM

Welcome To My Closet

by , in
The topic for Day 27 in my daily blogging challenge was what's in your closet. Now originally, I was in New York when I was supposed to do this, and I had a whole plan to show you what was inside my suitcase and everything. But since I was on vacation I didn't get around to filming it because I was...
2:05 PM

Finding Your Talent

by , in
Remember the days of elementary and middle school when your fellow classmates and friends would display their talents in a talent show. Some people would sing, some would dance, and even some would just lip sync. Okay, most people just would lip sync songs and dance around and pretend they were singing....
1:38 PM

To Regret or Not To Regret, That Is The Question

by , in
Another Pinterest quote perfect for today's topic: regrets. Some people live their life full of regret, wishing they could have lived their lives differently. Others have none, and seem not to care about the consequence of their actions. But the best way to live life is to have a balance. Sometimes...
8:00 AM

Attraction: More Than Something Physical

by , in
We all have ideas of what attracts us when it comes to our partners. Physical characteristics are almost always the first thought of when we see someone we like. Is it their hair? Body? Eyes? Smile? And there's always someone out there who claims they have a "type." We all know that one person who...
4:43 PM

If I Won The Lottery

by , in
The lottery, people buy tickets hoping for a chance of instant wealth. But did you know you have a better chance of being struck by lightning rather than winning the lottery? Not too sound like a Debbie Downer, but everyone's chances to win are very slim. But for a select and lucky few, they become...
8:05 AM

Bad Habits That You Need To Break

by , in
Bad habits, they're not something we like to admit we have. But let's face it, we're human and we all have them. It's best to own up to our bad habits and try to put them behind us. Most of the time, we wait until the New Year so we can make a resolution to fix our bad habit. But why wait? When we...
3:17 PM

Sadness Isn't Always A Bad Thing

by , in
First we talked about fear, then we talked about happiness, and now we're going to talk about sadness. No one ever enjoys being sad, and it's an emotion we love to push away. Based solely on instinct, we always do the best we can to avoid sadness. When someone cries, our first reaction is to make it...
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