The Happy & Healthy Holidays Challenge

The holiday season is meant to be a happy and cheerful part of the year, but for some people it can be a difficult time filled with nothing but stress and anxiety. That's not what the holidays are supposed to be about. But luckily there are numerous ways to make sure you're living your best life this holiday season.

Happy Planner, a popular planner created by Me and My Big Ideas (MAMBI), has created a challenge to help ease your stress during this holiday season. It is called the Happy & Healthy Holidays Challenge. Instead of over-indulging, over-spending, and over-committing yourself, Happy Planner wants you to focus on being more mindful and having the best intentions.

The Happy & Healthy Challenge is hosted by Stephanie Fleming, the co-founder of MAMBI and Happy Planner. Every Sunday until the end of December you will receive an email from Happy Planner that includes a video, a note from Stephanie, and some special downloads. The downloads include: the worksheet, wallpapers for your phone and computer, and inspiration cards. Each email also explains what each "gift" will be.

Here are the six gifts, or traits, that Happy Planner will be focusing on during this challenge:

Gratitude — the first gift that was given to us during the week of Thanksgiving. Perfect timing right?

Health — and of course this is the second gift given right after Thanksgiving. After over-indulging is delicious Thanksgiving food it makes sense to get your health and diet back on track. I also view health as staying healthy and taking precautions to make sure you're not getting sick. Flu season is right around the corner people!

Presence — is probably the most important gift, and it is the focus for this week! Being present in the moment and showing up is literally half the battle.

Creativity — will be the fourth gift in the challenge. I'm intrigued to see what this one will hold!

Self-Care — is a necessity and is the fifth gift of the challenge. Taking care of yourself is one of the most important things you have to do. From what it sounds like this week is going to be more than just treating your self.

Joy — is the sixth gift given to us which will arrive just in time for Christmas!

Planning A Happy Life — will be the final gift given to us so that way we are the most prepared for the upcoming New Year.

Every video for this challenge is posted on Happy Planner's Youtube channel. It includes Stephanie introducing each gift and going over the worksheet for the week. She also shares her progress with the challenge, yes even the co-founder of Happy Planner is participating in the challenge too!

Along with the inspirational videos, comes the worksheet! Now, a worksheet doesn't always sound like a lot fun, but for all the planner people out there, this is exactly what fun looks like. Each worksheet introduces the gift of the week and includes an inspirational quote. From there you have five little boxes to fill out. First is your intention for the week, how are you going to implement the gift of the week into your life? Next is the planning section where you map out exactly what you plan to do to carry out your intention. After that you choose a helpful habit, something you want to do daily that goes along with your plan for the week. The next section is a spot for your daily thoughts, the boxes for each day are not a very big. And finally, the last box is a spot for your weekly reflection.

If you want to participate in the challenge, you can go to Happy Planner's website and all of the past weeks and worksheets are in the blog selection. You can also see more content on Happy Planner's Instagram account. Every Monday, Stephanie goes live on the Instagram and continues talking about the gift of the week and shares what's going on with her! The challenge also has its own social media hashtag: #myhappyandhealthyholidays!

Even though the challenge has been going on since Thanksgiving, it's never too late to pick it up. The challenge is meant to help you do all the things you want and were probably going to do this holiday season. The challenge helps you hold yourself accountable and set your intentions, it's not meant to add any extra stress to your life. If you're waiting for the New Year to reset, why do that? Why wait to reset? Why not get a head start now? I know I will be! Until tomorrow.

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