Surviving Holiday Hangovers

During this time of the year a lot of people tend to indulge, whether that is with food, sweets, or alcoholic beverages. Since this time of this year is a time for celebration, it's not uncommon to get a little crazy and over indulge. The holiday season is all about having a good time and celebrating with your friends and family so it's not uncommon to overindulge in some adult beverages. And when that happens it leads to the ever classic hangover.

For those of you who have never experienced a hangover, first of all you're so lucky. Second of all, keep doing what you're doing. A hangover is literally the worst thing in the world, and the most common consequence of drinking too much alcohol in one period of time. Now what classifies as a hangover? Well it can be as little as feeling tired and sluggish next day or even as big as feeling nauseous and even vomiting. Every person has a different tolerance level and is bound to have different reactions. But nevertheless here are some tips and remedies for surviving your hangover.

Stay Hydrated. After a night of binge drinking, your body is definitely dehydrated. Treat a hangover like a cold, drink lots of fluids and keep your body hydrated. While you rehydrate, it will flush out any impurities that are left in your body. My go to drink is either a water, a Sprite or a ginger ale. Sometimes it may not be the healthiest option, but it's just a great pick me up and treat for the soul.

Eat Something Light. When you're dealing with a hangover sometimes the last thing you want to do is eat anything, especially if you're feeling nauseated. But in order to feel better, you're going to have to eat something eventually. Having something light like bread, crackers, or even soup. You want anything that will be easy on your stomach.

SLEEP! The best thing to do for a hangover is just to sleep it off. Rest will literally be your best friend. Taking multiple naps and even just resting throughout the day will give your body time to recharge, which is really what it needs to do.

Get Some Fresh Air. Whenever I experience a hangover, the last thing I want to do is any form of exercise let alone moving around. BUT, if you get your blood flowing and heart pumping you will start to feel a little better. Taking a walk outside in the fresh air or even just sitting outside for a little bit will do wonders.

Take A Shower or Bath. Sometimes your body just needs a little bit of TLC. Take a nice warm shower or bath so you can relax your muscles. Take the time to truly pamper yourself, use a bath bomb or face mask so you can truly relax. It may seem like freshening up really won't really make a huge difference but little things like that will really help ease the hangover pain.

Avoid Taking Pills. If you have a major headache that feels like a jackhammer is pounding in your skull, it may be tempting to take a pain reliever. However, some pain medicines are dangerous to mix after consuming alcohol since it can heighten some risky side effects. Instead, take a warm wash cloth to your head and rest with your eyes closed. If the pain is truly terrible, avoid taking a tylenol and take some kind of ibuprofen instead.

Unfortunately there is no magical pill you can take to cure or prevent a hangover. However, someone should really start working on that. Whatever your hangover ailment may be, there will always be a way to treat it to make it less sufferable for you. As long as you follow these tips, your hangover pains will not be so painful.

Enjoy this holiday season, take all the time you want and need to celebrate with your loved ones. End this year with a bang, and don't be afraid to indulge a little.

Until tomorrow.

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