CONFESSION: I'm Addicted To...

We've reached the point of the daily blog challenge, where I am supposed to confess something. Alright, here it goes. Deep breaths. I, Kaitlin Mary Simpson have an addiction. An addiction to television.

Yes it's true, I watch TV whenever I can. I'm even watching TV as I type up this blog post. You can see Arrow is on my TV screen at the moment. My TV is never off, I can't sleep if it's not on. I can't be productive if my TV isn't on, it's almost like I need the mindless noise on. It helps me stay focused on the task at hand.

But then again there are other times where I simply can't focus on anything else except the TV. This is because today's shows are much better than what they used to be and we can't stop binge watching. We need to know what happens. Or is it another reason?

Growing up, I never had a TV problem. I'd watch my favorite shows when they came on and I wouldn't really care about seeing the next episode to see what would happen. Is this because TV shows back then weren't that interesting and each episode wasn't related? Or was it because we didn't have the technology back then as we do now.

Back in the day, it was a lot harder to get addicted to TV shows. Simply because there was only one way to watch it. You had to wait for it to come on at a certain time on a certain day and mentally keep track of when to watch it. Myself being a forgetful person, I would forget when shows would come on and I ended up missing a lot of episodes of some of my favorite shows. And when the shows would go on break, I had to hope I could catch the episode when it was a rerun. Oh man the struggle was real, at least until DVR/TiVo and Netflix/Hulu were invented.

I was introduced to DVR when I was either 14 or 15 years old, and that was the start of my television problem. I got so excited I could record shows and never miss them anymore. And even better, I could fast forward commercials!! With my new friend Mr. DVR, I started recording every show that had somewhat of an interested to me. I had things set to record almost every day of the week. And the best part was that I no longer had to wait to watch a show, I could sit down and watch my shows whenever I wanted.

My TV addiction may have started with my DVR but it certainly has grown with arrival of Netflix and Hulu.

Hulu certainly saved my life when I was in college. I had to say goodbye to my DVR and go back to the old fashioned way of waiting for my shows to come on and watch them. But that was difficult because most of the time, I'd be busy doing schoolwork, going to events on campus, going to class, or I'd watch other shows or movies with my roommates. Yeah I had class my first semester during prime time TV. I hated my night classes so much. So whenever I wanted to catch up on my shows, Hulu was there for me. With every show I missed, it was uploaded a day or sometimes a week later.

I think I got Netflix my sophomore year of college and that was what introduced me to binge watching. I found shows I always wanted to see but never got the chance to actually sit down and watch. But with Netflix I could start from the first episode and end at the season or series finale. Ever since then, I've binge watched several shows like The Office, Bob's Burgers, Scandal, Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt, Once Upon A Time and now my current binge obsession, iZombie.

With today's technology, a television addiction is completely normal and part of every day life. Especially with so many good TV shows out there nowadays. No wonder why my DVR is full all the time.

Now tell me, what's your poison? Hulu? Netflix? DVR or TiVo? Online streaming? Amazon Prime? Tell me how do you binge watch or do you not binge watch TV and spend all your time outside hiking or something? Until next time.

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