If I Won The Lottery

The lottery, people buy tickets hoping for a chance of instant wealth. But did you know you have a better chance of being struck by lightning rather than winning the lottery? Not too sound like a Debbie Downer, but everyone's chances to win are very slim. But for a select and lucky few, they become millionaires overnight.

When someone gets that amount of money in a short amount of time, they end up looking like the emoji on the left and end up blowing all their money on frivolous things. Even after winning the lottery, some people quit their jobs and plan to live off their winnings.

What some people don't realize is that they won't actually get all the money. Let's say the lottery jackpot is what $500 million total? You'll end up owing millions in taxes and you won't get the total $500 million, it might end up only being around let's say $300 million. But I will say $300 million isn't too shabby either.

But did you know there's an option on how to recieve your lottery winnings? You can receive the entire amount once OR you can receive a portion of your earnings yearly and that lasts for about 30 years. Most people who decide to get the full amount up front end up spending all their money in a short amount of time. So if we want to be financially responsible human beings, wouldn't it be the best idea to get the yearly option?

Honestly, if I ever won the lottery I'd take the yearly check. But since I don't participate, I'll never have to make that decision. But that doesn't stop me from thinking about what I would do if I ever won the lottery...

First: I'd be responsible, I wouldn't quit my job, especially if I love my work. I'd also pay off any debt that I owe, so that way I have a nice clean slate, financially of course. I'd obviously pay any bills I owe, and take care of any financial burdens. Then any of the left over money would go straight to my savings account.

Second: I'd be generous and treat my family and friends to something nice. I'd buy my parents a really nice vacation or house, whichever they would prefer. I'd get my brothers some cool gifts, like I don't know Apple Watches or the next hot gadget on the market at that time. Then I'd take out my good friends to a five star meal or maybe I'd get them presents. I don't know just a little thank you to all the people who had been there for me and to show them how much I love and care about them.

Third: As the great Tom Haverford and Donna Meagle said on Parks & Recreation, "Treat Yo Self." I'd buy myself a nice place to live, a vacation, and everything else I need to be a fully functioning adult. Obviously, I'd splurge and buy a hand bag or two, maybe some shoes, and I'd definitely update my wardrobe too. Like Tom and Donna said, treat yo self.

Even though I don't participate in the lottery, I still think about what I would do if I won. Haven't we all done that, at least once in our lives? But we shouldn't rely on winning the lottery to solve our financial problems or to achieve wealth. Instead, we should work for what we want. And maybe having too much money isn't always the best. Look at all these celebrities with oodles of money. They spend all their money on the dumbest things because they have so much they don't know what to do with it all. So maybe the simpler life is the better life? What do you think? Until next time.

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