To Regret or Not To Regret, That Is The Question

Another Pinterest quote perfect for today's topic: regrets. Some people live their life full of regret, wishing they could have lived their lives differently. Others have none, and seem not to care about the consequence of their actions.

But the best way to live life is to have a balance. Sometimes we have to do stupid things to learn important life lessons. Because if you don't learn from your mistakes, how will you grow?

Some of us focus way too much on work, and we sacrifice our time with our loved ones because we're workaholics. Some of us don't speak up even when we know we should, but we stay silent in order to spare someone's feelings, but that just ends up hurting us instead. Some of us make mistakes when it comes to love, we give the wrong ones chances to get to know us and then we become damaged goods.

Those are some major regrets that we could end up having when we turn old and gray. But there's also those silly regrets that don't keep us up at night. Like the embarrassing outfits we wore when we finally learned how to dress ourselves. Or maybe that one time when you forgot to take a sweater and it ended up storming.

Personally speaking, I like to do my best to not live a life full of regret. I calculate all my decisions and think how it will benefit me or hurt me in the long run. This is all because I've learned from my own mistakes and I'd like to think I have grown as a person. Every day I think to myself, will I be proud of the person I am 50 years from now? So here is a list of things I've done that I regret, but I indeed have learned from them.

Questionable Fashion Choices: I'm not going to lie, in middle school I dressed like a train wreck. If I could go back in time I would knock some sense into my young mind. I was searching for my voice through my clothing and I wanted to find a way to express my creativity. I wanted to stand out, and I did that in a unique matter. Those bad fashion choices did help my style evolve, so I guess it's not too bad. I know I probably won't dress worse than I did back then.

Saying Things Without Thinking: When I was young I use to say things before I clearly thought it out. Now I am far more calculated. I'd say things I never meant, and I'd speak on impulse. Now I don't do that, I think of the consequences of something I might say and how it would make others feel.

Not Saying How I Truly Feel: This is a more recent one, I learned to control my mouth but lately I've come to the point where I don't share how I feel because I'm too afraid of making people upset or angry. I'm currently searching for a balance, and I'm slowly getting there.

Being My Own Worst Enemy: They say your toughest critic is yourself, and boy is that true. I've always been so tough on myself, but recently I've started to change that. I started believing in myself and man that really feels amazing.

Making Others Happy Instead Of Myself: I always want to make everyone around me happy, but sometimes I'd forget to put myself and my needs first. But as Hailee Steinfeld says in her song Love Myself, "gonna love myself, no, I don't need anybody else." Why rely on someone else to make you happy, when you can make your own happiness?

We're human beings, we're not perfect. We have flaws and we make mistakes, but we must accept them and live with the consequences so we can grow. Then if you have the opportunity to make the same mistake, hopefully you've learned from it and won't make the same mistake twice. Until next time.

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