Kaitlin's Rant, Today's Topic: Winter/Midseason Finales

It's been a while since I've done a rant on my blog so I decided it was time to bring back Kaitlin's Rant. Now today's rant is about something that I'm truly passionate about and something that I hold close to my heart. Yes, my television programming.

Now you're probably wondering why am I going to rant about something I love and care about so much? And you're also probably wondering how this will tie into a Blogmas post? Don't worry, I have an answer to both of these questions. Well during the holiday season, the TV networks and our TV shows are just plain evil. Why's that? Well with their "winter finales" of course.

Winter finales or midseason finales, are the last episodes we see of our TV shows in the current year and we have to wait until after the New Year to see how our shows will continue on. All of my shows ended this week and there hasn't been anything remotely good on TV to fill the void. So I've been taking advantage of all of the shows on Netflix and binge watching some old favorites and looking into new shows to fill the gaping hole in my heart, but I digress.

The first problem I have with these "winter finales" is that they take place before the first day of winter. The first day of winter is December 22, and it is only the 19th. How can a winter finale take place before the first day of winter. Ladies and gentlemen, this does not make sense! Someone must have made this point to networks because now more commonly, the last episodes of shows that return in the new year are called midseason finales. But for the shows that do not return as part of the same season in the New Year they are still called winter finales, even though they end before winter even begins. I don't know about you, but that really grinds my gears.

The second thing that really irks me with these midseason finales is that the finale episode is probably the best episode of the season. Well you're probably wondering why is that a problem? WELL, it's a problem because if the episode was really good don't you want more? OF COURSE YOU WANT MORE! But no you can't have any more until next year. The networks are like sorry sucks to suck doesn't it. NO SIR OR MA'AM, YOU NETWORKS SUCK.

Now not all of the winter finales or midseason finales weren't that great to rant about, but four or five did stick out. Two are actually going to get compliments. Shocking right? Shoutout to Amazing Race and Survivor for having amazing winter finales and I look forward to the new upcoming seasons, later in the year. We ended on good terms and I can't complain. BUT I will complain about the midseason finales of The Flash, Arrow and Quantico. Now I'm not ranting or complaining because the finales were bad, it's quite the opposite. The finales were TOO GOOD and I just want more.

The Flash is my favorite TV show at the moment, and I feel a little lost without it. The midseason finale was just too good for words, they brought back Mark Hamill as the Trickster and Captain Cold, my favorite villain. Plus Harrison Wells 2.0 is going to try to destroy Barry because he's being blackmailed by Zoom?! PLUS WALLY WEST IS COMING?! For any Flash nerd, this episode was HUGE plot wise. There's so much going on and they're really building up the last half of this season. I just want to know what else is going to happen. PLUS after The Flash finished its midseason finale they showed a trailer for the midseason premiere!!! Which shows Barry deciding he's going to tell his girlfriend, Patty Spivot that he's the Flash BUT then she gets KIDNAPPED. This is too much for my heart to take guess I'll just have to count down the days until January 19 for when The Flash returns.

Arrow's midseason finale brought me to tears and made me rage. Everything about the midseason finale was going perfectly fine until the final minute. Oliver and Felicity got engaged and all ready to live happily ever after. BUT NO WE CAN'T HAVE NICE THINGS. So the people behind Arrow may or may not have killed off the best character on the show, Felicity Smoak. HOW CAN YOU ATTEMPT TO KILL FELICITY OFF ARROW DO YOU NOT HAVE A SOUL?! If Felicity is dead next year I think the answer is obvious. Meanwhile, I'll be here worried sick wondering if my favorite character will make it out alive until January 20. Don't mind me sobbing.

The midseason finale that really inspired this rant is Quantico. Now this is a new show on ABC, and it's actually very good. It's all about new FBI agents studying at Quantico so they can become agents. Well when they graduate and becomes agents, one of them bombs Grand Central and frames their classmate Alex Parish, the girl at the top of her class. So one of the classmates is a terrorist, and who is it? Well I don't know but there are theories... But anyways Alex and her team are trying to find out who framed her and the terrorist ends up bombing the FBI HEADQUARTERS. AND THAT'S HOW THE MIDSEASON FINALE ENDS. We don't know who exactly died, who the bomber is, we know nothing! And we have to wait until next year to find out what the hell just happened. Oh and we don't have to wait until January, we have to wait until March. THAT'S RIGHT MARCH. How does ABC expect me to this patient?! The last half better be good ABC... OR ELSE.

And those were the midseason finales that really frustrated and upset me and are really testing my patience. How many of you feel personally attacked by these networks? Or is it just me? Oh well, it's back to Netflix for me, until tomorrow.

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