Let's Talk About Goals

Goal: the object of a person's ambition or effort; an aim or desired result. We all have dreams that we want to come true, and setting goals is a great way to start making your own dreams come true. Because unfortunately, we're not like Cinderella or Aladdin, we can't have a magical being grant our wishes. We must grant our own.

Goal setting is the process of thinking about what you want in your future and making it happen. There's two type of goals: short term and long term. A short term goal is something small that take less time to accomplish. Short term goals tend to be a smaller part of your long term goals, meaning that they are steps that help you complete a long term goal. A long term goal is something you want to accomplish in the future.

There's even a holiday dedicated to setting goals and bettering ourselves. That's right, those pesky New Year's Resolutions. Some maintain them and keep them year round. While others forget about their resolutions about a month later.

There's a process when it comes to goal setting and this little article is a great read about personal goal setting. It describes the seven steps of setting your personal goals and offers a lot of great tips. Based on this article the seven steps are:

    1. Decide what you want (simple enough)
    2. Write it down (this can help you remember and motivate you!)
    3. Set a deadline (give yourself a realistic time frame)
    4. Create a list with steps (what needs to be done to accomplish your goal?)
    5. Organize and prioritize (what matters to you?)
    6. Take action (you're one step closer!)
    7. Make progress (do a little day by day)
Once you get in the habit of working to accomplish your goals it's important to persevere and not give up. Keep track of what you've accomplished and reward yourself for it! Another great thing to do is to share your goals with your friends and family because it's always great to have someone cheer you on! So I'll take the first step, and share my goals with you. So here are five of my current goals:
    1. Find a job in my field so I can gain experience in my craft.
    2. Continue blogging and vlogging frequently.
    3. Get in better shape, by eating healthier and exercising daily.
    4. Read at least 25 books a year.
    5. Be more organized and use my planner as much as possible!
Those are my five current goals, and I'm slowly making progress! Sharing them today helped motivate me to accomplish them. What are your goals? I'd love to read them in the comment section below. Thanks for reading and until next time.

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