What Am I Afraid Of?

This is Fear, you may know him from Disney/Pixar's new film Inside Out. Fear is one of the many emotions in Riley's head. But Riley isn't the only one who experiences fear, we all do. The reason why I bring up Inside Out is because I think this movie did a great job of showing us how our emotions work and they brought them to life in an amazing way. If you have not seen Inside Out yet, I highly recommend that you do because it is pure genius and it will give you a new outlook on your emotions.

The topic for today, is what I am afraid of. Fear is a crazy thing. Sometimes fear can be so strong, it keeps you from living your life happily. Other times, fear can help save your life. The purpose of the emotion, fear, is to protect us and look out for potential danger. Sometimes fear can even be the dominant emotion, but from what I learned in Inside Out, it's that there should never be one dominant emotion, instead all emotions should work together as a team to keep us fully functioning.

As humans, we all get scared and we all certainly have fears. There are thousands of phobias out there, from arachnophobia (the fear of spiders) to zoophobia (the fear of animals). Everyone has something they are afraid of, but fear doesn't make you weak. Every time you face a fear, you get a little bit stronger. And honestly, if you're body is telling you something is wrong or scary, there's 99% it's for a good reason.

So here's the part where I get personal and I list several of my fears:

  • Bugs, except like butterflies, lady bugs, rollie pollies, you know cute bugs
  • Snakes, reptiles, rodents. Not a fan at all
  • Public speaking, it never ends well
  • Needles and blood, this one is serious, this one makes me light headed
  • The dark, not a fan, cant't even sleep in it. Forever leaving my TV on
  • Fire, something about it just scares me. I hate matches and lighters but controlled fires like in a fire place or fire pit are always okay
  • Wasps and bees, simply because I don't want to get stung
I'm going to stop there because that's all I can think of. Now you all know how to scare me so that's cool. Thanks for reading and until next time!

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