You'll Never Be Too Cool For School

Education, it's a very important part of our society. Yet everyone seems to constantly complain about school and having to go. Meanwhile, there a thousands of people in the world who would love the opportunity to receive an education.

Sometimes we all take our education for granted. Without school we would have no idea how to read, write, count or any other basic everyday skill. Think about the Middle Ages, when only the wealthy were allowed to be educated and all the peasants were illiterate. The peasants lacked logic and reason due to their lack of education.

Education gives us the tools to think for ourselves, we're taught to read and from what we've read we try to form an understanding and create our own interpretation.

Today all you see is people complain that they have to go to school. School is treated like it is a chore, rather than an amazing opportunity. It's crazy women did not have the right to an education in the United States until the 19th century. It's even crazier that in some parts of the world, women still don't have the right to recieve an education.

Remember Malala Yousafazi? Well when she was 15 years old, she survived an assassination attempt. Why would a 15 year old be a target for an assassination? Well this is because she defended the right for a girls’ education in Paskistan after the Taliban outlawed schools for girls in her community. She survived a bullet to the head and has become an activist for education and has even won a Nobel Peace Prize since then. Tell me, what did you do at 15?

My point is, we're so lucky that we have the right to an education and it's something that's not appreciated enough. Imagine you were Malala, and you were almost murdered all because you wanted to receive an education, but your government would not allow it because of something you can't even control.

School not only teaches us about a variety of subjects, it also teaches us how to grow and become responsible citizens and good human beings. We learn to use our manners and be polite and respectful towards one another. While in school we find our talents and that can lead us to our future career path. We learn how to interact with one another while we learn about ourselves.

Education teaches us all about the world we live in. In science, we learn about our planet and how it works. In math, we learn to calculate and solve problems. In English, we learn to communicate. In history, we learn about the mistakes made in the past so hopefully we can learn from them in the future.

The next time you ever think school is pointless and a waste of your time, think about Malala. Someone who would die just to have the basic right that you take for granted. Don't look at school as a waste of time, think of it as a blessing. Think about how lucky you are while others are not so privileged.

What are your thoughts on education? Until next time.

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