The Meaning Behind My Blog Name

There's always some sort of mystery and creativity behind a person's blog name. And a clever hidden meaning is thrown in there to describe that person. Sadly, I am not as creative as everyone else in this world. Coming up with creative titles and names was never my expertise. Sometimes, I have a rare moment and think of something clever and funny, but that's after hours of picking my brain.

But when I started my blog last year (I can't believe it's been a year!) I first went by the title: Living Life Colorfully, and after a couple months I didn't think it suited my blog or voice. Even though it is a phrase I do love to live by, it did not describe my writing style.

When I was in middle school, I joined the school newspaper and that's where I found my love for writing. But when I got to high school, I got some bad grades on writing assignments and it killed my confidence. Those bad grades didn't come from a teacher telling me I sucked at writing, it was from a computer that told me I sucked and my confidence shattered. I had to write for a computer and appeal to the computer and what it was looking for. I forgot how to write for a person and for me, and I didn't learn it again until the next year. I got an English teacher who brought my confidence up a little.

I've always been insecure when it came to showing people my work. I hated to have people read my work, and I've always been terrified of criticism. But I've learned it comes with the job and as long as you're proud of what you write and create, then that's all that matters. You can't be everyone's cup of tea.

You can't gain confidence without finding your voice, and that takes time. I found my voice in college, and I realized it's very conversational. I like to write as if I am talking to my audience. I like to think when someone reads anything I write on my blog, it's almost like we're sitting down in Starbucks, having a cup of coffee and chatting like we've been friends for years.

So the back to the meaning behind my blog name. Hey Kaitlin Mary is meant to be an introduction to the reader. My name is Kaitlin, middle name Mary, and the 'Hey' in front serves as a greeting. So every time you come to my blog, you are saying hello to me. I thought it would work with my conversational tone and style. And if you haven't noticed, I end each post with until next time. That's my way of ending our coffee date. I say until next time because I don't want to say goodbye, that implies we'll never meet again. So until next time gives me hope that we'll have many more coffee dates in the future.

So that's the story behind my blog name, Hey Kaitlin Mary. Nothing too interesting or creative, I did warn you on that. You're probably wondering what is the point of this blog post? Well I am participating in a 30 Day Blogging Challenge. I saw this on google while I was looking for some Vlog Tags to do and I stumbled upon this. And as Barney Stinson from How I Met Your Mother (RIP) would say, "Challenge Accepted!"

As you can see this was day one and it is now completed! One down, twenty nine to go! Thanks for reading, and I hope you enjoyed! Until next time.

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