3 Healthy Habits Everyone Should Live By

Everyone wants to live a happy and healthy life, but we all don't do the healthiest of things. We all live crazy busy lives and sometimes it can be hard to be healthy and perfect all the time.

Sometimes it's just easier to to grab dinner from a fast food restaurant instead of cooking a meal at home. And other times, we get caught up in work or relaxing instead of exercising. But there are little things you can do throughout the day that make your life a little bit healthier.

Get At Least 8 Hours Of Sleep
Studies say that eight hours of sleep is exactly what an average adult needs each night. But everybody is different, some people (like myself) need nine hours to be well rested. While others can function perfectly on six hours of sleep. We all need sleep in order to function and stay alive. Consider sleep to be your recharging time. You don't want to go through the day not feeling 100% right?

Walk 10,000 Steps A Day
I know 10,000 steps may seem like a lot, but it's not impossible! According to The Walking Site, the average stride for a person is 2.5 feet long, so around 2,000 steps equals one mile. If you do the math, 10,000 would be around five miles. People who aren't so active walk around 1,000 to 3,000 steps a day. Isn't that crazy? To increase your step count try: taking the stairs instead of the elevator, when you go somewhere park in the back instead of near the entrance or take your pet on a walk or even take a walk with your friends! I use my Fitbit to track all my steps and how many miles I walk in a day.
Invest In A Planner & Make To Do Lists
Life gets a little less crazy when you plan it out! When you write something down, you have a better chance of remembering it. Plus if you forget you'll end up being reminded when you see it later. Make a daily to do list with all the things you want and need to get done! Make personal and professional check lists, it will make life easier. Planners aren't just for students, they are great for all ages. It keeps you organized and you can write down your appointments and events. And with the calendar, you can always make sure your schedule isn't conflicted. Planners are a great way to reduce stress and keep track of your goals. And it's cheaper than hiring a personal assistant.

So those are my three healthy habits that I always try to incorporate into my daily life! They work well for me and I hope they work well for you. What are some of your healthy habits? I'd love to know. Until next time.

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