My Favorite Quote

I really don't have a favorite quote per say, but I do like to browse the variety of quotes on Pinterest. And when I stumbled upon this one, I had to keep it because it truly spoke to me.
"Travel is the only thing you buy that makes you richer."
Whoever uttered this quote could not be any more right. Money doesn't make you rich, your experiences in life truly enriches it. Being able to see far away places and experience new cultures can shape a person. Material goods like designer bags and luxurious cars may show you have a lot of money to blow but it doesn't make you rich.

You can't buy memories and your memories are all yours. No one can steal your memories, and sell them on eBay. They are yours forever and you'll keep making memories as long as you shall live. When you travel with your friends and family and loved ones you create so many that they will last a lifetime.

Traveling is so rich because it can change you. Some people grow when they travel because they learn so much. Traveling in a foreign place can be challenging as well, so some people have to be quick on their feet and solve problems if they arise. Traveling can change your whole perspective on life and change how you think once you visit a new place where the citizens live their lives differently.

When you travel, you're also educating yourself. They say those who don't know their history are doomed to repeat it, but reading a history book isn't the most fun thing to do. But you know what is fun? Going to the place where a historical event occurred. For example, reading about D-Day and how the soldiers landed on the coast of France is one thing but going to the beaches of Normandy and seeing where it all took place really puts history into perspective.

When a person travels, they're investing in making themselves the best person they can be. The more you travel, the more you see. And with the more you see, the more you grow. And the more you grow, the more you change. The more we change, we become better, we evolve. Travelers understand other cultures, other places, other people, and other ways of life. And when they share their experiences it enriches the lives around them.

If everyone traveled and had some sort of understanding what life is like in other places, human beings wouldn't take what they have for granted. Therefore, travel indeed is the only thing you can buy that makes you richer.

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